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LOCATION:  Laguna Joaquin

TYPE OF WORK:  Pipe Casing and Pipeline Installation Under Highway 16

Due to the pipe casing and pipeline installation under Highway 16, a project near the Cosumnes Irrigation Association (CIA) Ditch, the flow into Laguna Joaquin basin from the CIA Ditch has been off for several days. With Anderson Ranch and Murieta Equestrian Center having continuing water demands, water was being supplied from Laguna Joaquin.

To keep Laguna Joaquin levels from dropping further, the ditch flows have been restored to a minimum level only for safety concerns due to continuing contractor work near the ditch. All of this flow will go to Anderson Ranch and Murieta Equestrian Center. No more water will be supplied from Laguna Joaquin until it can be refilled. Once work is completed, the District will begin to refill Laguna Joaquin.

District staff is carefully monitoring the water and oxygen levels for the fish that live in the basin.

Thank you for your patience. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

If you have any questions, please call Paul Siebensohn, Director of Field Operations, at 354-3700.