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Cosumnes River Fishing Regulations - NO FISHING from 10/16 through 12/31

Cosumnes River Fishing Regulations - NO FISHING from 10/16 through 12/31

The Department of Fish and Wildlife has strict regulations on fishing on the Cosumnes River during the salmon run beginning October 16, 2022 and ending December 31, 2022.  No fishing is allowed on the Cosumnes River during this time.  

For further information, visit the CA Department of Fish & Wildlife for the 2022 Fishing Regulations at:

Section 7.40 constitutes the Special regulations for Anadromous inland waters. 
(a) General Provisions:
(1) Every body of water listed in subsection (b) is closed to the take of hatchery trout, hatchery steelhead, and salmon and to fishing for these species, unless otherwise noted.
(2) Every body of water listed in subsection (b) is closed to all fishing except during the open season as shown. Unless otherwise provided, waters shown as open to hatchery trout, hatchery steelhead, and salmon fishing in subsection (b) are open to fishing for other species. Gear restrictions listed in this section apply to the take of all species of fish covered in subsection (b) unless otherwise noted. (3) Unless otherwise provided, waters closed to hatchery trout, hatchery steelhead, or salmon fishing are closed to fishing for all other species, except that these closures do not apply to fishing for amphibians (see Section 5.05), freshwater clams (see Section 5.20), crayfish (see Section 5.35), and lamprey (see Section 5.40), using legal fishing methods other than hook- and-line fishing, and saltwater clams, crabs, ghost shrimp, and blue mud shrimp (see Ocean Regulations Booklet sections 29.20 to 29.87). Crabs may only be taken using hoop nets or by hand, and Dungeness crab may only be taken within the North Coast District and Sonoma and Mendocino Cos.)  
(4) As used in this section and unless otherwise noted, daily bag and possession limits mean the total number of trout in combination, including but not limited to Rainbow, Brown, Golden, and Cutthroat Trout.
(5) Unless otherwise provided, it is unlawful to possess more than one daily bag limit.
(6) The waters in subsection (b) may also be subject to restrictions on fishing methods and gear (Sections 2.00 through 2.45), fishing hours (section 3.00), and the use of bait (Sections 4.00 through 4.30).