Resident Concerns about COVID-19 Enforcement
Recently the Security Department has fielded concerns from residents regarding others in the community possibly violating the COVID-19 orders set by the Sacramento County Department of Public Health and the Governor of California. Residents have asked Security to enforce these orders upon people who appear to be in violation for such things as not staying inside, keeping social distancing, and allowing workers into the community that are not providing essential services, such as lawn mowing.
The County Department of Public Health and regular law-enforcement are the enforcement agencies as it relates to COVID-19. If someone believes another person is not adhering to these orders, they have options to report these violations to the proper authorities. Sacramento County has established a complaint line through their 311 system. People are encouraged to use that system to file complaints. One can simply dial 311 on their telephone or file a complaint online through the County’s 311 website.
It is important to remember that for now, people are allowed to be outside and participate in exercise activities. If a resident calls Security with a complaint related to a violation of the orders imposed, they will be directed to call the Sheriff’s Department or more appropriately, to utilize the 311 system.
Currently there are no restrictions imposed at the gates to enter Rancho Murieta. We remind you that the rules for entry into the gated portion of the community and how gates operate is set by the Rancho Murieta Association (RMA) and carried out by Security.
Ultimately, having a good outcome rests on personal responsibility and good decision-making by each individual in the community.
Everyone please stay safe and stay healthy.
311 Connect