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Water Shutoff Moratorium Extended to December 31, 2021

Notice to Public Drinking Water Systems - Water Shutoff Moratorium Extended to December 31, 2021

Senate Bill No. 155 was chaptered September 24, 2021 and extends the prohibition to discontinue water service for residential customers and small businesses to December 31, 2021.  While the state continues to progress to full recover, it is necessary to extend certain provisions of Governor Newsom’s COVID-19 related executive orders that prohibit water shutoffs.

Fees and penalties for late payments will still be assessed, and the amount that you owe on your water bill will still be due when the moratorium is over. Now is the time to get caught up on your bill! Please call our office at 916-354-3700 to set up a Pay Arrangement. With this simple plan, we will help you get your past due amount paid off.

Help may be available. Please visit for more information.